Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mark Twain - Heidelberg - German Language

Heidelberg (Photo credit: Mark Taggart)
Mark Twain
Cover of Mark Twain
Many German teachers, including myself, enjoying referencing Twain in tandem with both the virtues and the difficulties of the German language. is a very interesting platform for learning languages (with a gazillion more positive aspects than Rosetta Stone, including the price!  For a sobering look at Rosetta Stone from a researcher who studies data and leaves out corporate spin, look here)  They've included Heidelberg and Mark Twain in their newest version of their level 1 course:
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew, and Vielen Dank for linking back to my Twisting Tongues in Bavaria piece. I see that you spent some time in Heidelberg? I lived there for 10 years. Such a special place!
