Monday, February 25, 2013

Flix's Faust -- How Cool is this!!!

Faust, Titelblatt der Erstausgabe
Faust, Titelblatt der Erstausgabe (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Flix Zeichnung
Flix Zeichnung (Photo credit: arne bratenstein)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe monument in Leipzig...
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe monument in Leipzig, Germany. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Goethe in the Roman Campagna, 1787
Goethe in the Roman Campagna, 1787 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Cover of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Flix is one of Germany's most well-known comic-artists.  I dig his work a lot.  I don't tend to bring examples into class, but that's either due to content, or difficulty of the language.

And really, this is a little far afield for the purpose of this blog, since you probably have to be either a Flix fan, a former grad student in Germanic Studies, an impassioned lover of Faust (One and Two, by Goethe, not the pasty Marlowe version!!), or any combination of the above, to appreciate what the comic artist Flix does in this serialized version of Faust for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (or: FAZ) one of Germany's most well-known newspapers.

The irony is that he really makes the Faust story accessible to a modern sensibility, and also keeps the language level more modest than not -- but you really have to have a clue about the original to appreciate this, oder?  Maybe I'm wrong.  And I do sort of wish he had not entitled it: "Who the $#@ is Faust?"  It would make it a lot easier if he waited to offend sensibilities within the comic itself!
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Harry - gefangen in der Zeit from Deutsche Welle

Deutsche Welle
Deutsche Welle (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Soon Deutsche Welle's cool, modern, engaging platform Harry - gefangen in der Zeit will be available.  Hopefully soon!!!

It looks to be cool, modern and engaging, anyway!!  I was lucky enough to get a peak at it at ACTFL in Philadelphia.  I am hoping it will fit in to our curriculum where Jojo sucht das Glück couldn't (simply because it is too advanced (B1-B2).

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Abmagerungskur -- Yeah, ok, not the most upbeat word of the week!

Peter Griffin
Peter Griffin (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Check out Germany.Info's Word of the Week:

As Herr Graff frequently mentions in class, he'd be a good candidate for an Abmagerungskur.  Don't you agree?  Peter Griffin and I will both go for one and come back loads lighter....

Now you are probably thinking: Great, a really long German word I don't know.  What a surprise!  Was für eine Überraschung!  But: take the time to click on the link!  They explain the word very well!!  And while this word isn't the most interesting, there are a bunch of other words to investigate!  Zum Beispiel: innerer Schweinehund.  What do you think that could be?
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German Football Player

Sadly, Herr Graff has to fake most of his knowledge about American Football, including about the local Eagles and Patriots.  And he'd lying if he said he was disappointed about the lack of "wear your Eagles memorabilia"-days at school over the past two years. 

BUT: That doesn't mean I can't be excited for all of you who are really into American Football, and just pray that you all don't get bad concussions!

I just read about a German guy who came over here a few years ago, with little English under his belt, just to play American Football.  Bjoern Werner now attends Florida State, and is apparently a possible Top-10 Draft Pick in this year's draft.  See this article from CBS Sports about Bjoern Werner:
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Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Angry Family DE - Watching a sports game this weekend?

Schaut ihr bald wieder ein Spiel im Fernsehen?  Lernt ein paar nützliche Ausdrücke!

Are you watching a game on TV again soon?  Learn a few useful phrases!

And what else should you do??  Abonniert dieses Kanal!  Subscribe to this channel!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Song: Augenbling

Seeed (Photo credit:
seeed_vinyl (Photo credit: gego2605)
Seeed (Photo credit:
Seeed (Photo credit:
This is a new song by the German group Seeed, and it's pretty much an Ohrwurm!

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Friday, February 8, 2013

So -- Just why is solar power working so well in Germany and not as prominent here in the US?

Solar powered tea
Solar powered tea (Photo credit: Nick . Brooks)
English: The Lieberose Photovoltaic Park in Ge...
English: The Lieberose Photovoltaic Park in Germany. Deutsch: Der Solarpark Lieberose im November 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Gott sei Dank, we now have an explanation!

Read the linked article above for a fanciful explanation of Germany's success with solar power.

The article also provides the data re: amount of sun the US gets.  According to the data on the map, we in the US get a lot more sun.

This should be a reminder to all of us - regardless of political affiliations - to do the research before we talk, or let others talk for us!

English: On 140 acres of unused land on Nellis...
English: On 140 acres of unused land on Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., 70,000 solar panels are part of a solar photovoltaic array that will generate 15 megawatts of solar power for the base. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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